

Hello, and welcome to my book reviews. Each book reviewed is from my personal library, and the reviews are in no particular order. They contain personal opinions about the story, facts and links when something in the story has sparked further interest, and other reading suggestions based on the story or author. Books are not rated due to the many variables in my personal library. Feel free to comment on a post if any questions or concerns arise. If you would like me to review a book you just aren't sure of buying or one you love and want me to destroy (just kidding), comment on this home page.

About Dustyn (Me!)

I love books. Someday I will have read every book I own. If I can stop buying new ones. I do write and edit, but there's something about reading that is so much better. I read quite a variety of things: picture books, game manuals/stories, novels, textbooks, newspapers, comic books, subtitles, magazines, pizza menus... Bills (bleh). There really is no limit to the housing, only to the words within. 

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